Application for Internal Review of a Reviewable Decision NDIS Review Flowchart: Due to the complexity of the NDIS Review of a Reviewable Decision process, Lifelong Pathways has devised an NDIS Review flowchart to help clarify the process. Attached is the NDIS Review Flowchart.. There are three main options: Review of a Reviewable Decision; External Review to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)
Application for internal review of AR01 reviewable decision. V5 1 National Disability Insurance Scheme Application for a review of a reviewable decision This form can be: Downloaded from the NDIS Website and lodged in person, by mail or email to Completed by a National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) officer at your local office, over the phone or in-person, This operational policy outlines the process by which a reviewable decision may be reviewed and appealed in WA NDIS. This review and appeals process is illustrated at Appendix 1. The following decisions are reviewable and appealable within WA NDIS: • Eligibility – decisions regarding the determination of a person’s eligibility for WA NDIS •.
The NDIA will use your personal information to do an internal review of a reviewable decision made under the NDIS Act. If you do not provide all of the information requested on this form, your request for an internal review may be delayed due to the NDIA not having enough information to consider the decision, which is under review. Redirect To OP - NDIS
request an internal review of that decision. You or any person directly affected by an NDIA decision can request a review of a decision. • Requesting a review must be made within three months of receiving this decision. • When completing the Review of a Reviewable Decision form, you will need to include is a statement of why you want the Certain decisions by the NDIA are considered reviewable decisions [see National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth) s 99] an can be reviewed through a specific process. A person can first apply for an internal review of the decision, which is a process undertaken by the NDIA [s 100].
Application for Internal Review of a Reviewable Decision Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 This form should only be used if you wish to apply for an internal review of a decision made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).If you need help filling out this form, contact the Information Officer on 8202 3768 or email review of a reviewable decision made under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. Just so you are aware, any personal information the NDIA does collect is protected under the NDIS Act and the Privacy Act 1988 .
request an internal review of that decision. You or any person directly affected by an NDIA decision can request a review of a decision. • Requesting a review must be made within three months of receiving this decision. • When completing the Review of a Reviewable Decision form, you will need to include is a statement of why you want the How do I review an NDIS decision? You have three months from the date of the plan or from receiving the decision by letter to ask for a review. You can do this by: calling the NDIS on 1800 800 110; completing an application for review of a reviewable decision which can be lodged via the NDIS website or at your local NDIS office
Review of National Disability Insurance Agency Decisions in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal . Page . 1. of . 13. Application for NDIS Appeals Legal Services . Before an application for legal representation can be made, an application for review must be lodged with the AAT. Please read the 18/07/2019В В· Review of Decisions Operational Guideline table of contents. Requirement to give written notice of a reviewable decision; Internal review by the NDIA. What is an internal review? Who can request an internal review? What is the time limit for requesting an internal review? Automatic internal review of certain decisions; How can a request for internal review be made? Can a request for
Application for review of a reviewable decision . This form can be: • Completed online at • Downloaded from and lodged in person, by mail or email to • Completed by a National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) officer at your local office, over the phone or in-person request an internal review of that decision. You or any person directly affected by an NDIA decision can request a review of a decision. • Requesting a review must be made within three months of receiving this decision. • When completing the Review of a Reviewable Decision form, you will need to include is a statement of why you want the
When a reviewable decision has been made, a person who is directly affected by the decision may make a request that the Agency review that decision. The outcome of this internal review can also be reviewed by applying to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. NDIS Review Flowchart: Due to the complexity of the NDIS Review of a Reviewable Decision process, Lifelong Pathways has devised an NDIS Review flowchart to help clarify the process. Attached is the NDIS Review Flowchart.. There are three main options: Review of a Reviewable Decision; External Review to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)
If you think a decision about your plan is incorrect or unfair there is a course of action you can take. This is called a вЂreview process’ and you can read all about it here. Review of decisions. The NDIA has a number of significant decision making powers. There is a list below that sets out all of the вЂreviewable decisions’. If you NDIS Decision Review Process •If the NDIA "receives a request for review of a reviewable decision", they "must cause the reviewable decision to be reviewed by a person who was not involved in making the reviewable decision". It may actually be the case that the review is going back to the person who made the original decision, then to a reviewer. •The reviewer must make a decision "as
This quick reference guide outlines the processes for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Internal Review (Review of a reviewable decision) and NDIS Appeals in an easy to follow flow char format. It was updated in March 2019. The NDIA will use your personal information to do an internal review of a reviewable decision made under the NDIS Act. If you do not provide all of the information requested on this form, your request for an internal review may be delayed due to the NDIA not having enough information to consider the decision, which is under review.
Certain decisions by the NDIA are considered reviewable decisions [see National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth) s 99] an can be reviewed through a specific process. A person can first apply for an internal review of the decision, which is a process undertaken by the NDIA [s 100]. This operational policy outlines the process by which a reviewable decision may be reviewed and appealed in WA NDIS. This review and appeals process is illustrated at Appendix 1. The following decisions are reviewable and appealable within WA NDIS: • Eligibility – decisions regarding the determination of a person’s eligibility for WA NDIS •
NDIS Fill the forms to fill the gaps Clickability. An application for internal review of a reviewable decision must be made within 14 days after the day on which the person is notified or becomes aware of the decision. The regulatory authority will make a decision on your application within 30 days subject to your application being deemed complete. This timeframe may be extended if further, Commonwealth Ombudsman—NDIA: Administration of reviews under the NDIS Act 2013 Page 5 of 31 2.4. The second type of review, under s 100(2), relates to an internal review of a reviewable decision (an вЂinternal review’)..
Appeals and review of decision Caseworker guidelines. a review of a reviewable decision, means you are asking the National Disability Insurance Agency to reconsider and review a decision they have made, like reviewing the funded supports in your NDIS plan. Decisions that can be reviewed are called вЂreviewable decisions’. When can I ask for one? Must be asked for within 3 months, The NDIS Appeals process has been established to ensure that all people with disability, and others affected by reviewable decisions of the NDIA have access to support to have decisions reviewed. The first step for a decision to be reviewed is to apply to the NDIA to have the decision reviewed internally An NDIA staff member will be assigned to undertake the internal review..
Internal review of reviewable decisions made by the NDIS. Application for Internal Review of a Reviewable Decision Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 This form should only be used if you wish to apply for an internal review of a decision made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).If you need help filling out this form, contact the Information Officer on 8202 3768 or email If you are unhappy with a decision made by the NDIS, you have three months to ask for a review of this decision. You can ask for a review by either: calling the NDIS on 1800 800 110 completing an application for review of a reviewable decision which can be lodged via the NDIS website or at your local NDIS office writing a letter to the NDIS.
Redirect To OP - NDIS 18/07/2019В В· Review of Decisions Operational Guideline table of contents. Requirement to give written notice of a reviewable decision; Internal review by the NDIA. What is an internal review? Who can request an internal review? What is the time limit for requesting an internal review? Automatic internal review of certain decisions; How can a request for internal review be made? Can a request for
reviewable decision. This must include a statement that the person has a right to have the decision reviewed and that they can seek external review (s.100) An application for internal review must be made within 3 months of receiving notice of decision The application can be made in writing, by phone, in person or by form (available online). MIGRATION ACT 1958 - SECT 347 Application for review of Part 5-reviewable decisions (1) An application for review of a Part 5-reviewable decision must: (a) be made in the approved form; and (b) be given to the Tribunal within the prescribed period, being a period ending not later than:
Commonwealth Ombudsman—NDIA: Administration of reviews under the NDIS Act 2013 Page 5 of 31 2.4. The second type of review, under s 100(2), relates to an internal review of a reviewable decision (an вЂinternal review’). 04/12/2017В В· The application must seek a review of a decision which is reviewable (s130) (external link) The application is received in the allowable time. Applications will not be accepted if the applicant has already sought an internal review of the same decision, and this has been determined.
An application for internal review of a reviewable decision must be made within 14 days after the day on which the person is notified or becomes aware of the decision. The regulatory authority will make a decision on your application within 30 days subject to your application being deemed complete. This timeframe may be extended if further 18/07/2019В В· If a request for internal review is made more than 3 months after a person receives written notice of a reviewable decision, the decision cannot be reviewed. However, a person who does not make a request for internal review in time, can consider making a new request or application under the NDIS Act.
NDIS Review of a Reviewable Decision: In October last year I was contacted by a father who needed my assistance urgently. He wanted to commence the NDIS review process; the … Certain decisions by the NDIA are considered reviewable decisions [see National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth) s 99] an can be reviewed through a specific process. A person can first apply for an internal review of the decision, which is a process undertaken by the NDIA [s 100].
Review of Decisions Overview. A reviewable decision is a decision made by the NDIA which carries formal rights of review under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. If a person disagrees with a reviewable decision directly affecting them, the following avenues of review are available: 04/12/2017В В· The application must seek a review of a decision which is reviewable (s130) (external link) The application is received in the allowable time. Applications will not be accepted if the applicant has already sought an internal review of the same decision, and this has been determined.
Application for Internal Review of a Reviewable Decision Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 This form should only be used if you wish to apply for an internal review of a decision made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).If you need help filling out this form, contact the Information Officer on 8202 3768 or email request an internal review of that decision. You or any person directly affected by an NDIA decision can request a review of a decision. • Requesting a review must be made within three months of receiving this decision. • When completing the Review of a Reviewable Decision form, you will need to include is a statement of why you want the
An application for internal review of a reviewable decision must be made within 14 days after the day on which the person is notified or becomes aware of the decision. The regulatory authority will make a decision on your application within 30 days subject to your application being deemed complete. This timeframe may be extended if further Contact an NDIS Appeals Support person. The Department of Social Services has funded a number of organisations across Australia to provide free support to anyone who would like to challenge a decision made by the NDIA. This could include being denied access to the NDIS …
Application for review of a reviewable decision . This form can be: • Completed online at • Downloaded from and lodged in person, by mail or email to • Completed by a National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) officer at your local office, over the phone or in-person Commonwealth Ombudsman—NDIA: Administration of reviews under the NDIS Act 2013 Page 5 of 31 2.4. The second type of review, under s 100(2), relates to an internal review of a reviewable decision (an вЂinternal review’).
Application for Internal Review of a Reviewable Decision Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 This form should only be used if you wish to apply for an internal review of a decision made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).If you need help filling out this form, contact the Information Officer on 8202 3768 or email Redirect To OP - NDIS
If you are unhappy with a decision made by the NDIS, you have three months to ask for a review of this decision. You can ask for a review by either: calling the NDIS on 1800 800 110 completing an application for review of a reviewable decision which can be lodged via the NDIS website or at your local NDIS office writing a letter to the NDIS Review Delays. Like most things NDIS the time taken for reviews is not consistent. Could be months, could be days. Depends how lucky you are. Contact the NDIS. If it’s been a while since you submitted your Internal Review of a Decision request, you can contact the NDIS as follows: Call on 1800 800 110 to ask for an update on the status of
The NDIS Reviews and Appeals. National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Internal Review (Review of a reviewable decision) and NDIS Appeals Flow Chart (continued over) • Person with disability contacts National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to apply for NDIS support • Person’s eligibility is assessed on functional capacity according to NDIA access criteria, Application for review of a reviewable decision . This form can be: • Completed online at • Downloaded from and lodged in person, by mail or email to • Completed by a National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) officer at your local office, over the phone or in-person.
Reviewing and Appealing WA NDIS Decisions. This operational policy outlines the process by which a reviewable decision may be reviewed and appealed in WA NDIS. This review and appeals process is illustrated at Appendix 1. The following decisions are reviewable and appealable within WA NDIS: • Eligibility – decisions regarding the determination of a person’s eligibility for WA NDIS •, request an internal review of that decision. You or any person directly affected by an NDIA decision can request a review of a decision. • Requesting a review must be made within three months of receiving this decision. • When completing the Review of a Reviewable Decision form, you will need to include is a statement of why you want the.
04/12/2017В В· The application must seek a review of a decision which is reviewable (s130) (external link) The application is received in the allowable time. Applications will not be accepted if the applicant has already sought an internal review of the same decision, and this has been determined. The NDIS Appeals process has been established to ensure that all people with disability, and others affected by reviewable decisions of the NDIA have access to support to have decisions reviewed. The first step for a decision to be reviewed is to apply to the NDIA to have the decision reviewed internally An NDIA staff member will be assigned to undertake the internal review.
Application for Review – Individual . Administrative Appeals Tribunal / Page 3 of 3 Approval date 27 June 2019 . SECTION 4 TAX DECISIONS ONLY Please answer both of these questions if you are applying to us for review of a tax decision. This operational policy outlines the process by which a reviewable decision may be reviewed and appealed in WA NDIS. This review and appeals process is illustrated at Appendix 1. The following decisions are reviewable and appealable within WA NDIS: • Eligibility – decisions regarding the determination of a person’s eligibility for WA NDIS •
request an internal review of that decision. You or any person directly affected by an NDIA decision can request a review of a decision. • Requesting a review must be made within three months of receiving this decision. • When completing the Review of a Reviewable Decision form, you will need to include is a statement of why you want the Application for Review – Individual . Administrative Appeals Tribunal / Page 3 of 3 Approval date 27 June 2019 . SECTION 4 TAX DECISIONS ONLY Please answer both of these questions if you are applying to us for review of a tax decision.
Many NDIA decisions are reviewable and can be found in the list of reviewable decisions in the NDIS Act. When submitting a request for a Review of a Reviewable Decision, you need to: Detail why you are requesting the review; Explain why you feel the decision is not appropriate; Include evidence (Allied Health Reports, Assessments etc.) You can This quick reference guide outlines the processes for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Internal Review (Review of a reviewable decision) and NDIS Appeals in an easy to follow flow char format. It was updated in March 2019.
NDIS Decision Review Process •If the NDIA "receives a request for review of a reviewable decision", they "must cause the reviewable decision to be reviewed by a person who was not involved in making the reviewable decision". It may actually be the case that the review is going back to the person who made the original decision, then to a reviewer. •The reviewer must make a decision "as When a reviewable decision has been made, a person who is directly affected by the decision may make a request that the Agency review that decision. The outcome of this internal review can also be reviewed by applying to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
Many NDIA decisions are reviewable and can be found in the list of reviewable decisions in the NDIS Act. When submitting a request for a Review of a Reviewable Decision, you need to: Detail why you are requesting the review; Explain why you feel the decision is not appropriate; Include evidence (Allied Health Reports, Assessments etc.) You can National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Internal Review (Review of a reviewable decision) and NDIS Appeals Flow Chart (continued over) • Person with disability contacts National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to apply for NDIS support • Person’s eligibility is assessed on functional capacity according to NDIA access criteria
you, you can request a review and will need to complete a Review of a Reviewable Decision form. IF YOU WANT A REVIEW • Requesting a review must be made within three months of receiving your plan. • Prepare your explanation for why your current plan does not meet your Reasonable and Necessary funded support needs as set out in your NDIS plan request an internal review of that decision. You or any person directly affected by an NDIA decision can request a review of a decision. • Requesting a review must be made within three months of receiving this decision. • When completing the Review of a Reviewable Decision form, you will need to include is a statement of why you want the
you, you can request a review and will need to complete a Review of a Reviewable Decision form. IF YOU WANT A REVIEW • Requesting a review must be made within three months of receiving your plan. • Prepare your explanation for why your current plan does not meet your Reasonable and Necessary funded support needs as set out in your NDIS plan Contact an NDIS Appeals Support person. The Department of Social Services has funded a number of organisations across Australia to provide free support to anyone who would like to challenge a decision made by the NDIA. This could include being denied access to the NDIS … V5 1 National Disability Insurance Scheme Application for a review of a reviewable decision This form can be: Downloaded from the NDIS Website and lodged in person, by mail or email to Completed by a National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) officer at your local office, over the phone or in-person request an internal review of that decision. You or any person directly affected by an NDIA decision can request a review of a decision. • Requesting a review must be made within three months of receiving this decision. • When completing the Review of a Reviewable Decision form, you will need to include is a statement of why you want the
a review of a reviewable decision, means you are asking the National Disability Insurance Agency to reconsider and review a decision they have made, like reviewing the funded supports in your NDIS plan. Decisions that can be reviewed are called вЂreviewable decisions’. When can I ask for one? Must be asked for within 3 months Many NDIA decisions are reviewable and can be found in the list of reviewable decisions in the NDIS Act. When submitting a request for a Review of a Reviewable Decision, you need to: Detail why you are requesting the review; Explain why you feel the decision is not appropriate; Include evidence (Allied Health Reports, Assessments etc.) You can
Application for review of a reviewable decision. National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Internal Review (Review of a reviewable decision) and NDIS Appeals Flow Chart (continued over) • Person with disability contacts National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to apply for NDIS support • Person’s eligibility is assessed on functional capacity according to NDIA access criteria, Application for Internal Review of a Reviewable Decision Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 This form should only be used if you wish to apply for an internal review of a decision made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).If you need help filling out this form, contact the Information Officer on 8202 3768 or email.
Redirect To OP NDIS. Application for Internal Review of a Reviewable Decision Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 This form should only be used if you wish to apply for an internal review of a decision made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).If you need help filling out this form, contact the Information Officer on 8202 3768 or email, Application for Internal Review of a Reviewable Decision under the GIPA Act You may use this form to seek an internal review under section 82 of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).If you need help in filling out this form, please contact Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) on 8588.
Application for review of a reviewable decision IDEAS. Application for Review – Individual . Administrative Appeals Tribunal / Page 3 of 3 Approval date 27 June 2019 . SECTION 4 TAX DECISIONS ONLY Please answer both of these questions if you are applying to us for review of a tax decision., How do I review an NDIS decision? You have three months from the date of the plan or from receiving the decision by letter to ask for a review. You can do this by: calling the NDIS on 1800 800 110; completing an application for review of a reviewable decision which can be lodged via the NDIS website or at your local NDIS office.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Internal. NDIS Review Flowchart: Due to the complexity of the NDIS Review of a Reviewable Decision process, Lifelong Pathways has devised an NDIS Review flowchart to help clarify the process. Attached is the NDIS Review Flowchart.. There are three main options: Review of a Reviewable Decision; External Review to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) How do I review an NDIS decision? You have three months from the date of the plan or from receiving the decision by letter to ask for a review. You can do this by: calling the NDIS on 1800 800 110; completing an application for review of a reviewable decision which can be lodged via the NDIS website or at your local NDIS office.
How do I review an NDIS decision? You have three months from the date of the plan or from receiving the decision by letter to ask for a review. You can do this by: calling the NDIS on 1800 800 110; completing an application for review of a reviewable decision which can be lodged via the NDIS website or at your local NDIS office My suggestion was to commence an NDIS Review Process; or more specifically, lodge a Review of a Reviewable Decision application. This allowed him to appeal the NDIA’s decision to allocate the supports in his son’s Individualised Funding Plan. The NDIS Review Process allows you to appeal certain decisions and ask for them to be reconsidered.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Internal Review (Review of a reviewable decision) and NDIS Appeals Flow Chart (continued over) • Person with disability contacts National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to apply for NDIS support • Person’s eligibility is assessed on functional capacity according to NDIA access criteria Application for Internal Review of a Reviewable Decision Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 This form should only be used if you wish to apply for an internal review of a decision made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).If you need help filling out this form, contact the Information Officer on 8202 3768 or email
Application for Internal Review of a Reviewable Decision Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 This form should only be used if you wish to apply for an internal review of a decision made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).If you need help filling out this form, contact the Information Officer on 8202 3768 or email National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Internal Review (Review of a reviewable decision) and NDIS Appeals Flow Chart (continued over) • Person with disability contacts National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to apply for NDIS support • Person’s eligibility is assessed on functional capacity according to NDIA access criteria
This quick reference guide outlines the processes for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Internal Review (Review of a reviewable decision) and NDIS Appeals in an easy to follow flow char format. It was updated in March 2019. This article explains the review of certain decisions made by the NDIS Commission. BY KAI SINOR This article discusses how to obtain review of certain decisions made by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission). It provides guidan
Many NDIA decisions are reviewable and can be found in the list of reviewable decisions in the NDIS Act. When submitting a request for a Review of a Reviewable Decision, you need to: Detail why you are requesting the review; Explain why you feel the decision is not appropriate; Include evidence (Allied Health Reports, Assessments etc.) You can How do I review an NDIS decision? You have three months from the date of the plan or from receiving the decision by letter to ask for a review. You can do this by: calling the NDIS on 1800 800 110; completing an application for review of a reviewable decision which can be lodged via the NDIS website or at your local NDIS office
reviewable decision. This must include a statement that the person has a right to have the decision reviewed and that they can seek external review (s.100) An application for internal review must be made within 3 months of receiving notice of decision The application can be made in writing, by phone, in person or by form (available online). Commonwealth Ombudsman—NDIA: Administration of reviews under the NDIS Act 2013 Page 5 of 31 2.4. The second type of review, under s 100(2), relates to an internal review of a reviewable decision (an вЂinternal review’).
Many NDIA decisions are reviewable and can be found in the list of reviewable decisions in the NDIS Act. When submitting a request for a Review of a Reviewable Decision, you need to: Detail why you are requesting the review; Explain why you feel the decision is not appropriate; Include evidence (Allied Health Reports, Assessments etc.) You can Redirect To OP - NDIS
review of a reviewable decision made under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. Just so you are aware, any personal information the NDIA does collect is protected under the NDIS Act and the Privacy Act 1988 . If you think a decision about your plan is incorrect or unfair there is a course of action you can take. This is called a вЂreview process’ and you can read all about it here. Review of decisions. The NDIA has a number of significant decision making powers. There is a list below that sets out all of the вЂreviewable decisions’. If you
Application for Internal Review of a Reviewable Decision under the GIPA Act You may use this form to seek an internal review under section 82 of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).If you need help in filling out this form, please contact Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) on 8588 04/12/2017В В· The application must seek a review of a decision which is reviewable (s130) (external link) The application is received in the allowable time. Applications will not be accepted if the applicant has already sought an internal review of the same decision, and this has been determined.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) review and appeals flow chart (continued over) Person with disability contacts National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to apply for NDIS support Person’s eligibility is assessed on functional capacity according to NDIA access criteria If not eligible, person will be notified within 21 days you, you can request a review and will need to complete a Review of a Reviewable Decision form. IF YOU WANT A REVIEW • Requesting a review must be made within three months of receiving your plan. • Prepare your explanation for why your current plan does not meet your Reasonable and Necessary funded support needs as set out in your NDIS plan
You can use the links below to find application forms and other forms for each type of review. Most forms are in PDF and RTF format. A PDF reader such as Adobe Reader If you think a decision about your plan is incorrect or unfair there is a course of action you can take. This is called a вЂreview process’ and you can read all about it here. Review of decisions. The NDIA has a number of significant decision making powers. There is a list below that sets out all of the вЂreviewable decisions’. If you
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